‘The Goddess Fortune is the Devil’s servant ready to Kiss any ones Arse’:
quote by William Blake. With the Covid-19 lockdown, together with the closure of my local tennis club, I was expecting to fly along with my writing of The Devil’s Servant. I had just finished Part 1, so starting on Part 2 was going to be easy. Except that the opening chapter involved two of my main characters attending a funeral, which I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to embark on just then. I also found it difficult to write about my fictional friends going about any sort of business – fun or otherwise – while everybody in the real world was stuck at home. But, after a couple of weeks of inactivity, I finally knuckled down, and I’m now eagerly about to embark on Part 3. The end is finally in sight! But, as I am nearing a successful conclusion, can this be said of my much-loved antihero, Darren? (Yes, I really do love him.) As minor characters from his past start to re-emerge to both embarrass and threaten him, who, if any of them, will prove to be his Nemesis? The Roman Goddess Fortuna has come to represent life’s capriciousness, randomly dispensing good or ill fortune. So, as she prepares to take the final throw of her dice…?